2020 / 11 / 09 Back to event list

Today, in the I SHARE GGG HISTORY column, we spoke with a chemist technologist, Nomeda Račiūnienė.


Nomeda, you have been working as a chemical technologist for more than 30 years, including 7 years at GGG. What is your daily routine?

I could answer as follows: it is 70% of daily repetitive work and 30% of creative work full of new challenges.
Daily work is the control of chemicals in the production process, maintenance of the technological mode of equipment. It means maintaining the required concentrations of chemical solutions. The washing and etching baths must be in the operating mode, and so on.

How important chemistry and chemical materials are in the production of ammunition?

Often, when people find out that I work at GGG, they are surprised. They want to know what I do here. Often, people can’t imagine that chemicals are a very important part of the technological process in the production of ammunition. 
12 out of 23 processes in ammunition production are based on exposure to chemicals. Thus, chemistry is very important. During the production process, some cartridge elements are exposed to chemicals: etching and soaping of cups and caps, polishing of cases, steel cores and bullets, varnishing of encapsulated cases. The quality and commercial appearance of ammunition is indeed highly dependent on the way the chemicals are used.

Do you have to do experiments or look for innovation? If yes, then for what purpose? 

Looking for chemical substitutes is a part of the creative work. I look for innovation when the necessity arises. It happens that under certain conditions the chemical substance causes problems in the manufacturing process. Thus, it is always beneficial to have at least two suppliers as not to disrupt the supply of chemicals. It happens that chemical manufacturers offer better product price and terms of supply. 
One way or another, we always test new products and, only then, after gathering all the information, we decide whether the product is suitable for use in production.

It requires diligence to gather information and analyse the data collected. How do you find new chemicals?

Sometimes, manufactures of chemical substances offer their products suitable for the production of ammunition. But sometimes I have to look for alternatives all over the world, as was the case with the nitrocellulose varnish which we had used. After the closure of a lacquer factory in France, I looked for a substitute for nine months. I tested lacquers offered by at least four manufacturers in the laboratory and in the production until I found a suitable alternative. It is a long and thorough job.

The preparation and publication of technical documentation is another very important function of your daily work. Could you tell us more about it?

To ensure a smooth operation, the company depends on many factors, such as qualified workers, coordinated production work, supply of raw materials, sale of ammunition, etc. All processes are carried out in accordance with procedures described in the technical documentation. The company must also comply with the laws of occupational safety, environmental protection, waste management, use of chemicals, etc.
Laws are constantly changing and new requirements are emerging. I am constantly interested in innovations, improving the documentation that meets the requirements, preparing reports on chemicals and instructions.

Let us move on the eternal question of life, Nomeda. Love and chemistry. Does it really have a connection to chemistry?

I think there is more of a connection between chemistry and falling in love, because purely in scientific terms, falling in love releases certain hormones (like chemicals) that affect human actions. Love is more than merely falling in love, it is a state of the soul and no chemistry can explain it.

Imagine you have a task to make a chemistry knowledge test. What would be your three first questions?

What chemical elements make up a water molecule?
How many and what states does the water have?
Is it possible to add water to acid?

Do you have time for yourself and how do you spend it? What brings joy in your life?

My life credo is Everyone has as much as they can have! I try not to grieve if I can’t find time for myself. I find more time for myself in winter evenings after work. Then I am usually reading, knitting and watching TV. I really like to travel in Lithuania and abroad. At other times of the year, all my free time I spend working in the garden, around the house, and with the large family. The greatest joy is when a large family gathers at the dinner table on weekends. It’s an enjoyment to be together. I also really like going for mushrooms. If I don’t go for it, my autumn is wasted.

Nomeda, what stands between you and your happiness? 

This truth is old as the world – we are each masters of our own destiny. I try to realistically evaluate my possibilities, I do not set unreasonable expectations for myself, enjoying the little things in life and resisting my fears. When you find peace within yourself, you feel happy. I am happy when the people around me are happy.

And finally, if you had to give a short message to a news portal describing the company's activities, how would it sound?

An ambitious company for ambitious employees!